List Artifact Types



Retrieves all artifact types available in the specified project.

Note: The IsUsedInThisProject, StandardPropertyTypeId, and StandardArtifactTypeId elements in the response body are only returned when using Blueprint 7.3 and later.



Supported Methods

Request URI Parameters

  • PropertyTypes (optional): Defines whether or not to include property types. This parameter can be set to true or false. The default is false if not specified. The default is true if the parameter is included in the URI with no given value.
  • RichTextAsPlain (optional): Defines whether or not to retrieve all rich-text properties as Plain Text instead of HTML. This parameter can be set to true or false. The default is false if not specified. The default is true if the parameter is included in the URI with no given value.

  • InlineCSS (optional): Defines whether or not to retrieve all rich-text properties with locally defined or inline styles. This parameter can be set to true or false. The default is false if not specified. The default is true if the parameter is included in the URI with no given value. When this parameter is set to false, rich-text properties return internal styles that are defined within the <head> section of the HTML.

    Note: This parameter is supported in Blueprint 6.1 and later.

  • Offset (optional): Defines the paging offset (that is, index) at which the results start. Offset the default is 0.

  • Limit (optional): Defines the number of items (projects, artifacts, etc) to retrieve per query. This parameter can be set to an integer. The default is 100. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 500.

HTTP status codes


ClosedXML Example

ClosedJSON Example