Adding a file attachment to an artifact

A file attachment is a file that you upload and associate with a single artifact. Blueprint allows you to add multiple file attachments to an artifact.

Tip: If you plan to upload the file to multiple artifacts, you may want to create a document artifact instead. If you create a document artifact, you can then add a document reference to multiple artifacts.

Note: Blueprint enforces a maximum file size for file attachments. The maximum file size is configurable by your project administrators.

To add a file attachment to an artifact:

  1. ClosedOpen an artifact.

    Click the artifact ID link of the artifact you want to open.

  2. ClosedOpen the files tab in the utility panel.

    Click the files tab icon.

  3. Click New and select Add Attachment.
  4. ClosedSelect the file that you want to attach.

    Search or browse to locate the file that you want to upload and attach to the artifact.

  5. Click Open.

Learn More

File attachments and document references