Import tag


The Import tag is generally only used for workaround purposes. If you have an image that is smaller than the width of the page, you may need to use the Import tag to include the image in your generated document. When you use an Import tag for this purpsoe, set the Source to File.

To view more examples and tutorials, see our Import Tag Tutorial.


There are several limitations when you import an RTF or WordML file, because there can only be one final document (your resulting report). All header information in the imported file is ignored, including the default language, font, style, page size, margins, headers and footers. However, section breaks and their settings are imported into the final document.

All styles will map over by name. Identical style names are not checked for, and if they occur, there is no check to see if they have identical settings. The settings used will be those of the parent template, which is the template you are importing files into. Fonts and colors map to the resulting document using existing entries from the parent document, if they exist, and adding new entries if they don't exist. All list entries in the imported document become new list entries in the parent document — no attempt is made to map identical list entries together.


One of these two attributes must be set:

A boolean expression. For example you could use <wr:out select=’\root\company\address2’ display=’expression’/> where true is displayed and false isn’t.

Learn More

Import Tag Tutorial

About tags

The Tag Editor