You are here: Administration > Instance Administration > Customizing the instance > Resolving a property conflict

Resolving a property conflict


A property conflict can arise while creating a standard property or importing a project for a variety of reasons outlined in the following section. The resolution of a property conflict is necessary to proceed with the standard property creation or with the project import. The recommended resolution is selected by default in the Property Conflict Resolution dialog. An alternative resolution may be selected only when necessary and at the discretion of the instance administrator.

Types of conflict

The following types of conflict exist:

Resolution options

At least one of the following options is available to resolve the conflict(s):

To resolve a property conflict:

  1. Select a conflict in the row and then select a resolution from the Resolution column of the Property Conflict Resolution dialog.

    Note: The recommended resolution is selected by default in the Property Conflict Resolution dialog. When you are unsure about a custom property, it is advisable to discuss the conflict resolution scenario with the relevant project administrator prior to selecting any resolution.

  2. If necessary, repeat the first step for any other conflicts.

    Caution: Replacing a custom property with the standard is not reversible and could result in data loss. If possible, make backups of your data before performing this operation.

  3. Click OK.

The conflict(s) have been resolved according to your selected action(s).

Learn More

Replacing a custom property with the standard

About standard properties

Project Administration