You are here: Administration > Instance Administration > Managing users > Adding Windows users

Adding Windows users

A Windows User is a user that is created using information from your Active Directory. You cannot change Windows User details in Blueprint, such as the name and password of the user. These details must be changed in the Active Directory. Windows users must choose Windows Authentication to login to Blueprint.

After you add a new user to Blueprint, you must assign the user to a license group. If the user is not added to a license group, the user is limited to view privileges in Blueprint.

Important: You can only add Windows users if Active Directory integration is enabled.

To add Windows users to Blueprint:

  1. Open the Instance Administration Console.

  2. Click Manage Users And Groups > Registered Users on the ribbon (Instance Admin tab, Instance group).

  3. Click New > New Windows User on the ribbon (Instance Admin tab, Manage Items group).
  4. Click the Find button to display all Active Directory users.

    If multiple active directory servers are configured, you can change the Connection option to select a different active directory server. The Connection option only appears if multiple active directory servers are defined.

  5. Select the users you want to add, or type Ctrl-a to select all users.
  6. Click OK.

Learn More

Adding database users

Managing users

Instance Administration