You are here: Administration > Instance Administration > Managing users

Managing users


Important: You must have the applicable Instance Administrator privileges to manage users in Blueprint. After users are added to Blueprint, Project Administrators with the correct privileges can grant access to projects by assigning users to project roles.

User Sources

With the correct Instance Administrator privileges in Blueprint, you can manually add users directly to the Blueprint database, or you can add users from your Active Directory. Blueprint supports adding users from the following sources:

User Types

There are various types of users in Blueprint:

Note: There is no limit to the number of instance administrators, project administrators and regular users that can exist in Blueprint.

Sorting and filtering the user list

Blueprint allows you to sort and filter the user list so you can find users and information more quickly. Filtering allows you to reduce the number of users that are displayed based on specific criteria.

ClosedYou can narrow down your user list by clicking the filter iconnext to any of the column headers. The filter dialog box allows you to select the criteria you want to see in the list.

After you have set a filter, you can restore your list to view all users by clicking the yellow filter iconand then clicking theClear Filterbutton.

ClosedEach time you click the column header, Blueprint toggles between ascending sorting, descending sorting, and no sorting. An arrow is displayed in the column header if ascending or descending sort order is activated:

Tip: You can export the user list to a .CSV file by clicking the Export to CSV button at the top of the user list.


Adding Windows users

Adding database users

Deleting users

Modifying a database user

Assigning a Project Administrator role to a user

Assigning an Instance Administrator role to a user

Learn More

Managing licenses

Instance Administration