You are here: Administration > Project Administration > Configuring project details > Changing the project name

Changing the project name

Note: Project administrators cannot change the project name. You must be an Instance Administrator with the correct privileges to modify the project name.

The project name is displayed in the Open Project dialog when a user opens the project:

The project name is also displayed in the explorer panel after the project is open:

To change the project name:

  1. ClosedOpen the Project Details tab.

    1. Open the Project Administration Console.
    2. Click the Project Details link.
      The Project Details tab is displayed.
  2. ClosedSet the name of the project.

    Type the project name into the Name field.

  3. Click the Save button to save the project details.

Note: If you change the project name, users must close the project and re-open the project with the new name. The project name does not automatically refresh for users who have already opened the project.

Learn More

Configuring project details

Project Administration