You are here: Managing requirements > Traceability and relationships > Adding traces from the utility panel browse tab

Adding traces from the utility panel browse tab

A trace is a type of relationship between two artifacts or sub-artifacts. Traces are used to establish and define the direction of a relationship.

The utility panel provides you with the ability to quickly create a trace between an artifact in the browse tab to an artifact in the main content area or artifact list.

To add a trace from the browse tab in the utility panel:

  1. ClosedOpen the browse tab in the utility panel.

    Click the browse tab.

    You can also point to the tab icon to view the name of the tab.

  2. ClosedDrag and drop the artifact that you want to trace onto an artifact in the main content area or artifact list.

    You can drag and drop any artifact or sub-artifact from the browse tab. You can drag and drop the artifact onto any artifact or sub-artifact in the main content area or artifact list.

    After you drag the artifact, the trace menu appears.

  3. ClosedSelect the type of trace you want to add.

    Select Add Trace, and then choose one of the following options:

    • To: Creates a trace from the artifact in the browse tab TO the artifact in the main content area.
    • From: Creates a trace to the artifact in the browse tab FROM the artifact in the main content area.
    • Bidirectional: Creates a two way (bidirectional) trace.

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Traceability and relationships