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About the traceability explorer

In the Traceability Explorer, you can view the trace relationships between selected artifacts in a grid layout or matrix.

Note: Artifacts that are not covered are called orphaned and are displayed in red font.

To learn more on the topic of trace relationships, see Traceability and relationships.

ClosedThe matrix lays out the trace relationships like an interactive Excel spreadsheet. The header rows and header columns contain any selected projects, folders and artifacts with direct hyperlinks to the original artifacts. At the center of the matrix, you can view the trace relationships that exist between the intersecting artifacts. The Traceability Explorer allows you to perform visual analyses of your trace relationships. For example, you can use the trace matrix to identify if you need to add any traces to a set of artifacts.

The Traceability Explorer also allows you to do the following:


Viewing trace relationships in a matrix

Exporting a traceability matrix to Microsoft Excel

Exporting a traceability matrix to Microsoft Word

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Traceability and relationships