You are here: Authoring requirements > Editors > Use Cases > Use case editor layout

About the use case editor layout

The use case editor layout allows you to create use cases in either text view, workflow view, or split view (both text view and workflow view). Try out the different views and choose which ones works best for you. Various customizations are available for each view.

The use case editor looks like this:

Use Cases Group on the Ribbon View Tab

There are a number of features on the View tab of the ribbon that allow you to customize the layout of the use case editor, as well as customize the look and feel of the diagram. The Use Cases group on the View tab looks like this:

The view and customization options include:

Use Cases Ribbon Tab

When the use case editor is open, a Use Cases tab appears on the ribbon, providing you with various editing features.  The Use Cases tab looks like this:

Step group:

Flow group:

Simulate: Starts a simulation from the beginning of the use case.

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Use cases