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Use cases


A use case describes an interaction between an actor and the system that yields an “observable result of value” to the actor.

Use cases are defined in order to specify all the different ways the system can be used. A complete set of use cases defines all behavior required of the system, effectively bounding the scope of the system without defining any of the system internals. Generally, use case steps are written using a structured narrative that is easy to understand. Use cases should be easy to follow and engaging for users, in order to ease the validation of each use case.

One of the benefits of creating use cases in Blueprint is the ability to simulate them. Use cases can be simulated using UI mockups to promote a clear understanding of the requirements and enhance the feedback provided by stakeholders.

Blueprint's use case editor provides you with the ability to easily create and edit use case artifacts. The use case editor looks like this:

Use Case Artifact Properties

By default, a use case artifact contains the following system properties:

Your instance administrator can configure standard properties for each standard artifact type.


Adding a use case

Building a use case

Deleting a use case

About saving artifacts as images

Learn More

About the use case editor layout