You are here: Document Template Authoring Reference Guide > Tagging > The Tag Editor

The Tag Editor


The Tag Editor allows you to create and edit tags. There are two ways you can open the Tag Editor:

The Tag Editor looks like this:

The Tag Editor Panes

The Tag Editor has contains 3 main panes:

The Tag Editor Tabs

The basic view of the Tag Editor contains two tabs:

Tags Tab

The Tags tab of the Tag Editor contains all the types of tags you can create. Tags are essentially commands that say to AutoTag, "When you run a report, grab whatever data I tell you, and place that data where I tell you." AutoTag knows what data to retrieve based on how the tag is written, and it knows where to place the data based on the tag's location in the template. 

Standard Tags

Advanced Tags

Select Tab


The Select tab of the Tag Editor provides the following information about the current tag: