Creating project role assignments

Adding a new project role assignment grants privileges to a person or group based on the selected project role. The project role assignment can be applied to the entire project, or limited to a particular folder or artifact.

Note: Each project role assignment grants access to a single user or group. If you want to assign a project role to multiple users, you can either 1) create a separate project role assignment for each user, or you can create a project-level group with those users and then create a project role assignment for that group.

To add a new project role assignment:

  1. ClosedOpen the Project Role Assignments tab.

    1. Open the Project Administration Console.
    2. Click the Project Role Assignments link.
      The Project Role Assignments tab is displayed.
  2. ClosedClick the New button on the ribbon.

    The Select Identity dialog is displayed.

  3. ClosedSelect the user or group for the new role assignment and click OK.

    Click the Users and Group tabs to toggle between the list of users and groups. You can only select one user or group for each role assignment. If you want to assign multiple users to the role, consider creating a new group with the users that require access.
    After you click OK, the new project role assignment is created and the details of the new role assignment are displayed in the Project Role Assignment Details panel on the right side of the page.

  4. Change the identity, if desired.
  5. ClosedSelect the role that you want to assign.

    All project roles are displayed in the drop-down list. You must create at least one role before you can create a role assignment.

  6. ClosedSet the project role assignment scope.

    The project role assignment scope allows you to control whether the project role assignment applies to the entire project, or to a specific folder or artifact.

  7. Click Save.

After you add a project role assignment, you can modify the project role assignment details at any time.

Learn More

Modifying project role assignments

Deleting project role assignments

Managing project role assignments