You are here: Administration > Project Administration > Creating and managing custom properties > Creating custom properties

Creating custom properties

You can create custom properties in order to meet the needs of your project.

Single-line properties vs. multi-line text properties

Generally, single-line properties are used for numeric data and multi-line text properties are used to organize larger amounts of textual data.

This table demonstrates more differences between single-line properties and multi-line text properties:

Single-line properties Multi-line text properties
  • Can contain a limited amount of text
  • Can hold multiple lines of text
  • Vertical size cannot be changed
  • Vertical size can be changed using the Article Types tab in the Project Administration Console (Artifact's Properties section)
  • Can have a width of one column or two columns
  • Has a fixed width
  • Can only appear within the top section of the main content area and the Properties tab
  • Can only appear within the bottom section of the main content area and the Properties tab
  • Cannot display your custom property as a tab
  • Can only display your custom property as a tab

To create a new custom property:

  1. ClosedOpen the Properties tab.

    1. Open the Project Administration Console.
    2. Click the Properties link.
      The Properties tab is displayed.
  2. ClosedClick the New button on the ribbon.

    The new property is created and the details of the property are displayed in the Property Details panel on the right side of the page.

  3. ClosedSpecify the custom property details.

    • Name: Indicates the name of the custom property.
    • Type: The custom property can be one of the following types: text, number, date/time, choice, or user/group.
    • Settings: The settings options are different depending on the selected Type. Here are the associated settings for each Type:
      • Text:
        • Required: Defines whether or not the property is required. If the property is required, artifacts cannot be saved unless a value for this property is specified.
        • Rich Text: Defines whether or not the field supports rich text.
        • Multi Line: Defines whether or not the field supports multi lines of text.
        • Has Default Value: Defines whether or not the property has a default value. If enabled, specify the default value into the space below.
      • Number
        • Required: Defines whether or not the property is required. If the property is required, artifacts cannot be saved unless a value for this property is specified.
        • Validated: Defines whether or not the value specified for this property is validated.
        • Number of decimal places: Defines the number of decimal places to save.
        • Max Value: Defines the maximum acceptable number. This option is only applicable if the Validated option is enabled.

        • Min Value: Defines the minimum acceptable number. This option is only applicable if the Validated option is enabled.
        • Has Default Value: Defines whether or not the property has a default value. If enabled, specify the default value into the space below.
      • Date/Time
        • Required: Defines whether or not the property is required. If the property is required, artifacts cannot be saved unless a value for this property is specified.
        • Validated: Defines whether or not the value specified for this property is validated.
        • Max Value: Defines the latest acceptable date. This option is only applicable if the Validated option is enabled.
        • Min Value: Defines the earliest acceptable date. This option is only applicable if the Validated option is enabled.
        • Has Default Value: Defines whether or not the property has a default value. If enabled, specify the default value into the space below.
      • Choice
        • Required: Defines whether or not the property is required. If the property is required, artifacts cannot be saved unless a value for this property is specified.
        • Allow Custom Value: Defines whether or not users can specify a custom value for this property.
        • Allow Multiple Choices: Defines whether or not users can select more than one choice for this property.
        • Set Valid Values: Click this button to add, delete, and reorder the valid choices for this property.
      • User/Group
        • Required: Defines whether or not the property is required. If the property is required, artifacts cannot be saved unless a value for this property is specified.
        • Has Default Value: Defines whether or not the property has a default value. If enabled, specify the default value into the space below.
    • Applies To Artifact Types: Place a checkmark beside the artifact types that should contain this property. Click the Manage Artifact Types link to add or manage artifact types.
  4. Click Save.

Learn More

Modifying custom properties

Deleting custom properties

Managing custom properties

Project Administration