You are here: Administration > Project Administration > Defining and managing role assignments > Modifying role assignments

Modifying project role assignments

When you update a project role assignment, the changes are effective immediately. If the identity is changed, the previous user or group immediately loses the privileges defined in the project role, and the newly selected identity gains the privileges.

To modify a project role assignment:

  1. ClosedOpen the Project Role Assignments tab.

    1. Open the Project Administration Console.
    2. Click the Project Role Assignments link.
      The Project Role Assignments tab is displayed.
  2. ClosedSelect the project role assignment you want to modify.

    Simply click a row in the table. The role assignment details are displayed on the right side of the page.

  3. Change the identity, if desired.
  4. Change the project role, if desired.
  5. Change the scope of the project role assignment, if desired.
  6. Click Save.

Learn More

Creating project role assignments

Deleting project role assignments

Managing project role assignments