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About electronic signatures


Note: Electronic signatures can only be requested for formal reviews.

Blueprint allows review coordinators to request electronic signatures from approvers. An electronic signature is an indication that a requested approver verified his or her identity via a means of authentication and provided input on the review. E-signature is a mode of verification that can help you meet certain industry standards and auditing requirements.

Electronic signatures and approvers

The electronic signature feature can be enabled within a new formal review.

Note: Project administrators can set all new formal reviews to require electronic signatures by default in Project Settings (Project Administration Console).

When this option is enabled, electronic signatures are enabled for all approvers in the formal review.

Closed After a review has started, review participants can launch the review in the Reviewers Experience. When the review participant chooses to approve or disapprove an artifact, Blueprint prompts the user for an electronic signature. The user must confirm his or her identity using federated authentication or password authentication.

Note: The federated authentication section of the Electronically Sign Artifact dialog can be customized within the Instance Administration Console.

The electronic signature and approval status details appear on the Reviews tab (bottom pane) when the artifact is selected.

The electronic signature and approval status details are organized into the following columns:


Requesting electronic signatures for a formal review