You are here: Authoring requirements > Utility panel > File attachments and document references > Opening a file attachment or document reference

Opening a file attachment or document reference

You can open file attachments and document references directly from the files tab in the utility panel. Blueprint also provides you with an easy way to open the document artifact for any existing document references.

To open a file attachment or document reference:

  1. ClosedOpen the artifact that contains the file attachment or document reference that you want to view.

    Click the artifact ID link of the artifact you want to open.

  2. ClosedOpen the files tab in the utility panel.

    Click the files tab icon.

  3. ClosedRight-click the file attachment or document reference that you want to view.

    The context menu appears.

  4. ClosedClick Open.

    When you open a file attachment or document reference, the file is automatically downloaded to your computer in a temporary directory. Your computer then decides which application is most appropriate for opening the file.

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File attachments and document references