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About Version Compare


Version Compare provides you with the ability to look at the changes that have been applied to an artifact over a selected period of time. Version Compare works with all types of artifacts in Blueprint.


Susan, a business analyst, wants to see what has changed between major milestones in her project so she compares two different baselines.


Latoya, a business analyst, has received approval on a formal review that she sent out a couple of weeks ago. Since then, some additional feedback has come in and some additional changes have been made to the artifacts. Latoya wants to see all of the changes that need to get re-approved so she compares the review to a live timestamp.


Maria, a business analyst, created an artifact and then shared the artifact with stakeholders. Over time, multiple stakeholders made many changes to the artifact. Maria wants to see what changes were made, when and by whom, so she compares the artifact to a past timestamp.

At a high level, Version Compare is a three step process:

1. Select a project node, a folder or artifact(s).

2. Click the Version Compare button.

3. In the Version Compare dialog, select a baseline, review or timestamp.

When the Version Compare report is generated, the report displays changes between the items you selected in Step 1 and the items or timestamp that you selected in Step 3.

You can compare the following:

Version Compare report

A Version Compare report provides you with the ability to view changes that have occurred within an artifact, a set of artifacts, a baseline or a review over a selected period of time. Version Compare provides a list of actions that have occurred over the selected period of time. The Version Compare report always compares changes from the older date to the newer date.

Tip: You can sort and filter your Version Compare results the same way you would sort or filter any artifact list in Blueprint. You can also export your Version Compare report to Excel.

Here's an explanation of the data contained in each Version Compare report, outlined in the order the columns appear:

Data Field Description

The type of action that the user applied to the artifact.


The name of the artifact that was affected.

ID The ID of the artifact that was affected. The ID contains a hyperlink to the artifact.
Artifact Type

The type of artifact that the action was applied to.

Change Type

The part of the artifact that changed. For example: a relationship, sub-artifact or actor inheritance might have changed within the artifact.

Change Summary

Identifies the name of the item that changed. For example: the Description of the artifact might have changed.

Last Edited By

The user that last performed the action.

Last Edited Date

The time and date the last action occurred.

Different ways of accessing Version Compare

You can access Version Compare in any of the following ways:


Comparing versions of an artifact

Exporting a Version Compare report to Excel

Learn More

Artifact versioning and history

Sorting and filtering historical versions