You are here: Managing requirements > Versioning and history > Version compare > Exporting a Version Compare report to Excel

Exporting a Version Compare report to Excel

Blueprint allows you to export your Version Compare report to Microsoft Excel. Once exported, you can use Microsoft Excel to print your report.

To export your Version Compare report to an Excel document:

  1. ClosedClick the Artifact List View button on the ribbon (Import/Export tab, Export group).

    The Save As dialog box appears.

  2. ClosedName the file with an .xls extension in your preferred location and then click Save.

    Your artifact appears in an Excel file.

    In Excel, you can perform any stylistic edits and print the artifact with your preferred settings.

  3. ClosedPrint your Version Compare report.

    On the File menu, click Print.

    Click the Print button.

    When the print dialog box appears, click OK.

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About Version Compare

Comparing versions of an artifact