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About Baselines


A baseline artifact is a snapshot in time of one or more artifacts in a project. Baselines provide you with a reference point for viewing project artifacts as they existed at a particular point in time, even after the artifacts have changed. Baseline artifacts can be included in reviews to obtain feedback and approval.

Baselines can be sealed or unsealed:

Finding your baseline artifacts

Baseline artifacts are special artifacts that are treated somewhat differently than other artifacts in Blueprint. Baseline artifacts are stored in a separate location in Blueprint.

You can find your project's baseline and review artifacts by clicking the Baselines and Reviews folder located below your project in the explorer panel of Blueprint:

Typical Baseline Usage

Baselines are typically created as you reach a milestone in the project. Baselines ensure that you can view the artifacts as they existed at a particular moment in time.

If you need a record of artifacts at a particular moment in time (for any reason):

  1. Create a new baseline artifact.
  2. Configure and seal the baseline artifact.
  3. If artifacts are ready to be reviewed and approved, you can add a review and configure the review to include the baseline in the review contents.

Baseline Artifact Properties

By default, a baseline artifact contains the following system properties:

Your instance administrator can configure standard properties for each standard artifact type.


Creating a new baseline

Configuring and sealing a baseline

Viewing baseline contents

Deleting a baseline

Learn More

Baselines and reviews

About the Reviewers Experience