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About the Reviewers Experience


The Reviewers Experience refers to the user interface used by review participants. This is a very simple yet powerful interface designed specifically for supporting review participant tasks.

Artifacts included in a review can have one of the following status values:

A Typical Review Process

A typical review process happens as follows. The review participant will:

  1. Open the review.
  2. View the contents of each artifact.
  3. Provide feedback by adding new comments and replying to existing comments.
  4. Approve or disapprove each artifact.
  5. Change your review status to completed.

Note: All artifacts in a review are read-only in the Reviewers Experience. Live artifacts may be changed during the review (but not using the Reviewers Experience) while baseline artifacts cannot be changed. However, you can use the New Comment button on the ribbon (Home tab, Artifact group) to add a comment to any artifact in the review package. When you click the New Comment button, the Discussions tab is automatically opened in the utility panel.


Adding comments to an artifact in a review

Changing the approval status of an artifact

Changing your review status

Learn More

About the reviewers experience layout

Baselines and reviews