Document artifacts
A document artifact allows you to upload a file and then reference that file from multiple artifacts.
Document artifacts are different than file attachments. Document artifacts can be referenced from multiple artifacts by adding it as a document reference to other artifacts in the utility panel files tab. File attachments are also added in the files tab of the utility panel and are associated with a single artifact. Refer to File attachments and document references for more information.
Pauline, a regulatory analyst, has asked business analysts to adhere to a number of standards while gathering requirements for the system. She creates a new document artifact and uploads the standards document to the artifact.
Gabrielle, a business analyst, modifies a use case so it adheres to the applicable standards. She adds a document reference to her use case artifact so other users will understand the rationale for the changes. She also adds a comment to the use case artifact to explain the reason for the modifications.
Document Artifact Properties
By default,
Name: Indicates the name of the document.
Id: Provides a unique identifier for the document. The Id cannot be modified.
Type: Indicates the type of artifact.
Description: Provides a description of the document.
File: Provides the name of the uploaded file.
Your instance administrator can
Uploading a file to a document artifact
Adding a document reference to an artifact
Learn More
File attachments and document references