You are here: Authoring requirements > Utility panel > File attachments and document references > Adding a document reference to an artifact

Adding a document reference to an artifact

A document reference is an existing document artifact that you can associate with one or more artifacts. Blueprint allows you to add multiple document references to an artifact.

Before you can add a document reference to an artifact, the document artifact must already exist. If the document has not already been uploaded to a document artifact, you may want to create a document artifact. Read more about Adding a document artifact.

Tip: If the document is only applicable to a single artifact, you may want to add the document as a file attachment instead. See Adding a file attachment to an artifact and File attachments and document references for more information.

To add a document reference to an artifact:

  1. ClosedOpen an artifact.

    Click the artifact ID link of the artifact you want to open.

  2. ClosedOpen the files tab in the utility panel.

    Click the files tab icon.

  3. Click New and select Add Document Reference.
  4. ClosedSelect the document artifact that you want to reference.

    Search or browse to locate the document artifact that you want to reference.

  5. Click OK.

Learn More

File attachments and document references

Document artifacts