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Adding comments to an artifact in a review

Adding comments to review artifacts is the most common action that you will perform while participating in a review. Adding comments allows you to provide feedback and suggestions about the artifacts contained in the review.

Note: All artifacts in a review are read-only in the Reviewers Experience. Live artifacts may be changed during the review (but not using the Reviewers Experience) while baseline artifacts cannot be changed. However, you can use the New Comment button on the ribbon (Home tab, Artifact group) to add a comment to any artifact in the review package. When you click the New Comment button, the Discussions tab is automatically opened in the utility panel.

To add comments to an artifact in a review:

  1. ClosedOpen the review.

    Choose one of the following options to open the review:

    • Click the link in the review notification email.
    • Click the review link located on the right side of your activity center.
    • Click the Open Review button located in the main content area of the review artifact, if you have access to open the artifact.
  2. ClosedView the artifacts included in the review.

    1. Click the View All Artifacts button to view the artifacts in the review.
  3. ClosedOpen an artifact.
  4. Click the artifact ID link of the artifact you want to open.

  5. ClosedOpen the Discussions tab in the utility panel.

    1. Click the Discussions tab in the utility panel.
  6. ClosedAdd a new comment or reply to an existing comment.

    Read more about Adding a new comment and Replying to an existing comment.

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