You are here: Managing requirements > Traceability and relationships > Adding traces from the relationships tab in the utility panel

Adding traces from the relationships tab in the utility panel

Adding a trace establishes a relationship between two artifacts. Blueprint supports three different types of traces depending on the direction of the relationship. Read more about Trace Types.

To add a trace using the Relationships tab in the utility panel:

  1. ClosedOpen the Relationships tab in the utility panel.

    1. Click the Relationships tab .

      You can also point to the tab icon to view the name of the tab.

  2. ClosedClick the Add Trace link.

    The Traces dialog appears.

  3. ClosedSelect the artifact that you want to trace and establish a relationship.

    Search or browse of the appropriate artifact on the left side of the dialog.

  4. ClosedSelect the type of trace to create.

    Click the drop-down arrow located on the right side of the Trace button, and select To, From, or Bidirectional.

    Read more about Trace Types.

  5. ClosedClick the Trace button.

    The new trace appears on the right side of the dialog.

  6. ClosedClick OK.

    The trace is saved and now appears in the traces table on the Relationships tab in the utility panel.

After the trace is saved, it appears on the Relationships tab in the utility panel. If you do not see the new trace, ensure that you have selected the Traces option in the Filter drop-down. Read more about Viewing and filtering relationships.

Learn More

Adding traces from the utility panel browse tab

Adding an inline trace

Traceability and relationships