You are here: Managing requirements > Traceability and relationships > Adding an inline trace

Adding an inline trace

An inline trace creates a relationship between two artifacts and adds an inline hyperlink, allowing readers to click the link to open the traced artifact. In addition to the hyperlink creation, the traced artifact also appears in the Relationships tab in the utility panel.

You can add inline traces to any text field that supports rich text formatting. The Add InLine Trace button is located on the ribbon (Home Tab, Relationships group) and is only accessible if you are editing a text field that supports rich text formatting.

To add an inline trace:

  1. ClosedPlace your cursor in a text field that supports rich text formatting.

    If the text field does not support inline traces, the Add InLine Trace button is inaccessible (that is, grayed out).

  2. ClosedClick the drop-down arrow on the Add InLine Trace button.

    The drop-down arrow on the Add InLine Trace button looks like this:

  3. ClosedSelect the type of trace you want to add.

    Read more about Trace Types for more information.

  4. ClosedClick the Add InLine Trace button.

    The Artifact Selection dialog appears.

  5. ClosedSelect the artifact that you want to trace and establish a relationship.

    Search or browse of the appropriate artifact on the left side of the dialog.

  6. ClosedClick OK.

    A new hyperlink is added to the text field.

Note: If an existing trace relationship already exists, Blueprint displays a dialog that asks you if you want to use the trace as it currently exists, or convert it to the selected trace type. ClosedExample

After you add the inline trace, the trace appears as a hyperlink in your text field. ClosedExample

Learn More

Traceability and relationships

Adding traces from the relationships tab in the utility panel