You are here: Managing requirements > Traceability and relationships > Adding and removing the trace suspect flag

Adding and removing the trace suspect flag

When a trace is marked with a suspect flag, it generally indicates that one of the traced artifacts has changed, and as a result, the traced artifacts may require changes as well. Therefore, if you change an artifact, it is best practice to mark the traced artifacts as suspect so they can be reviewed and updated at a later time.

In the utility panel, traces that are marked with the suspect flag are displayed with a red exclamation point on the relationship indicator (example: ).

A red exclamation point is also displayed on the relationship indicator if the artifact or sub-artifact contains at least one suspect trace. For example, if a shape (sub-artifact) contains at least one suspect trace, the relationship indicator is displayed with a red exclamation point in the diagram. ClosedExample

To add or remove the trace suspect flag:

  1. ClosedOpen the Relationships tab in the utility panel.

    1. Click the Relationships tab .

      You can also point to the tab icon to view the name of the tab.

  2. ClosedRight-click the trace that you want to mark or unmark with the suspect flag, and then click Suspect.

    The context menu appears after you right-click the trace. If the suspect flag is already set, a checkmark appears beside the Suspect menu option:

After you have marked a trace with the suspect flag, a red exclamation point appears on the relationship indicator. Also, a checkmark appears beside the Suspect option on the context menu.

Learn More

Adding traces from the utility panel browse tab

Adding an inline trace

Traceability and relationships